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Showing posts from August, 2022

Where Should I Bind A Global Event In JQuery

I am wondering if I want to create a custom global event listener, where I should bind that event. … Read more Where Should I Bind A Global Event In JQuery

Sitecore Pipeline Upload Processor

I'm using UploadProcessor to block specific file uploading into MediaLibrary. Everything is wor… Read more Sitecore Pipeline Upload Processor

Mixed Line-style Of Same Line In DevExtreme Chart

Hi I'm working for the first time with the charts of the DevExtreme Framework, because I'm … Read more Mixed Line-style Of Same Line In DevExtreme Chart

Custom Shader - Three.js

I am trying to use a custom shader with Three.js. I tried to do it like the many examples, but it d… Read more Custom Shader - Three.js

Jquery Remove All Child Elements And Leave Text

Whats the best way to remove all child elements from a div but leave any text that is directly insi… Read more Jquery Remove All Child Elements And Leave Text

How Do I Loop Through Children Objects In Javascript?

I have this code in a function: tableFields = tableFields.children; for (item in tableFields) { … Read more How Do I Loop Through Children Objects In Javascript?

How To Calculate The Length Of An Encoded String?

so i have an arabic string then i encode it using encodeURIComponent, then i try to know the lengt… Read more How To Calculate The Length Of An Encoded String?

Javascript Merge Nested Array With Same Object Names?

I have the following array object Here is the array tagGroups: Array(6) [ {name: 'Function&#… Read more Javascript Merge Nested Array With Same Object Names?

Can Prototype Or JQuery Return An HTTP Status Code On An AJAX Request

url = '' new Ajax.Request(url, { onComplete: function(transport) { … Read more Can Prototype Or JQuery Return An HTTP Status Code On An AJAX Request

How Does Javascript Match The Parameters In A Callback Function?

I just started to learn JavaScript, and callback functions seem hard to understand. One question I … Read more How Does Javascript Match The Parameters In A Callback Function?

Mongoose "this.model Is Not A Function"

This is how I defined my Schema & Schema methods. const Schema = mongoose.Schema; const Item… Read more Mongoose "this.model Is Not A Function"

Cannot Read Property 'setState' Of Undefined

Hi I am trying to make a youtube clone for practice I am a beginner on this but i cannot see why th… Read more Cannot Read Property 'setState' Of Undefined

Jquery Submit(); Not Working For Firefox

I am new in web development i am trying to handle a form submit using jquery and javascript. My JS … Read more Jquery Submit(); Not Working For Firefox

Input Type Text Fields Are Repeating After Unchecking The Checkbox

I have check boxes called as Firstname, Lastname and Email. I have to display the input type after … Read more Input Type Text Fields Are Repeating After Unchecking The Checkbox

Decorated Field Gives Read Only Error In TypeScript

I am learning how to work with decorators and have the following problem. This is my code: function… Read more Decorated Field Gives Read Only Error In TypeScript

After Build Via Webpack 5 App Stoped Working On Internet Explorer (IE11)

As announced in Webpacks 5.0 release blog post build still works in most browsers after a few minor… Read more After Build Via Webpack 5 App Stoped Working On Internet Explorer (IE11)

JQuery - FadeToggle - Different Actions If Element Is Visible Or Not

I have a button, when you click on that button, I'm doing a fadeToggle() to show or hide a popu… Read more JQuery - FadeToggle - Different Actions If Element Is Visible Or Not

How Do I Save The Markup Change I Made, When Going From One Page To The Next?

So heres the thing. I have the following: I am making a website and each site has the same nav-bar,… Read more How Do I Save The Markup Change I Made, When Going From One Page To The Next?

How Do I Make The Navigation Bar Of My Site Stay At The Top When The Viewer Scrolls?

I am working on my website, and I want to have the the navigation bar stay at the top of the page w… Read more How Do I Make The Navigation Bar Of My Site Stay At The Top When The Viewer Scrolls?

Automatically Scale An SVG To Its Parent

I'm trying to get an SVG to automatically scale down and fit vertically into its parent contain… Read more Automatically Scale An SVG To Its Parent

Difference In JQuery With XML Namespace And Xhr.responseXML Between Opera And Firefox

Consider this: XML-problem Solution 1: It's not a bug in Opera. It's the correct beh… Read more Difference In JQuery With XML Namespace And Xhr.responseXML Between Opera And Firefox

How To Click On Hidden Element In Protractor?

I have an element which is visible only when I hover over it. I've written following code to ho… Read more How To Click On Hidden Element In Protractor?

How To Create Buttons And Make It Work In A Slideshow?

I started making my website in Weebly and I wanted to have a slideshow in the front page but I didn… Read more How To Create Buttons And Make It Work In A Slideshow?

Cannot Find Module '' After Global Install

I try to use socket io so I follow they tutorial in here. I did: var app = require('express… Read more Cannot Find Module '' After Global Install

DOMNodeInserted Event Loop

I am developing a chrome extension (my fourth question or so...) for facebook, which adds a custom … Read more DOMNodeInserted Event Loop

How To Group By Multiple Keys At The Same Time Using D3?

This works, but I was wondering if there was a better way than creating a string with a and b and l… Read more How To Group By Multiple Keys At The Same Time Using D3?