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How To Click On Hidden Element In Protractor?

I have an element which is visible only when I hover over it. I've written following code to hove over the panel so that the element is visible. ptor.actions(). mouseMo

Solution 1:

Sometimes, there are cases when you intentionally want to click a hidden element.

One option would be to click via javascript:

var elm = element("myid"));
browser.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", elm.getWebElement());

See also: WebDriver click() vs JavaScript click()

Another, to make an element visible and click it. Now, this depends on how the element was hidden - with a style.block or style.visibility or with the ng-hide etc. Sample solution where we set the element's visibility to visible and the display to block:

var elm = element("myid"));
browser.executeScript(function (arguments) {
    arguments[0].style.visibility = 'visible'; 
    arguments[0].style.display = 'block';
}, elm.getWebElement());

Solution 2:

Following code worked for me.



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