Yeoman Prompt: How Generate A Valid Filename From A String?
Solution 1:
Basically, all you need is a function that removes special characters and perhaps replaces them using an arbitrary system.
One option was already named by passy, which is to make use of:
Nevertheless, there are some additional options you might use. E.g., you might check out the underscore.string module, which provides some functions for this. From these, I'd highly recommend the slugify
From the documentation:
Transform text into a URL slug. Replaces whitespaces, accentuated, and special characters with a dash.
To provide an example:
_.slugify("Un éléphant à l'orée du bois")
=> 'un-elephant-a-loree-du-bois';
This should be exactly what you need, and still keeps a good readability.
Hope this helps.
Solution 2:
For Yeoman generators, the common way to handle this is to use this._.dasherize(str)
in the JavaScript generator code or <%= _.dasherize(str) %>
in templates. It doesn't take care of accented letters, but those should be valid filenames anyway.
console.log(this._.dasherize("some userProvided string"));
// output: "some-user-provided-string"
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