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Date String Conversion To Unix Timestamp In Javascript / Jquery

I have date string in this format: 2009-07-15 00:00:00 - 2009-07-15 08:16:23 Could anyone help me to tweak the date string to unix timestamp into something like this: 1247634000

Solution 1:

I strongly advise you to use Moment Date lib when working with dates in js. It's really light and awesome.

var timeStamp = ( moment('2009-07-15 00:00:00').unix() )*1000

Solution 2:

in Javascript you can directly pass the string to Date object constructor, like

var date = new Date('2009-07-15 00:00:00'.split(' ').join('T'))

that will give you date object and to get timestamp from it you can do

date.getTime() / 1000

dividing by 1000 because getTime will give timestamps in milliseconds

Working Demo


Firefox is not able to parse the given date time format, so we need to convert it into proper format first, for that we just need to replace space between date and time component with 'T' that will make it a valid ISO 8601 format and firefox will be able to parse it


Date.parse in MDN

ISO 8601 Date Format

Same question asked here

Solution 3:

var input = "2009-07-15 00:00:00 - 2009-07-15 08:16:23";
input = input.split(" - ").map(function(date){
    return Date.parse(date+"-0500")/1000;
}).join(" - ");


Date.parse docs

Note: This won't work on old browsers since I'm using, but I think you should easily be able to shim it.

Solution 4:

using split method you can change the datetime formate in to date, its very simple and easy to everyone.

var str = "2017-05-09T00:00:00.000Z";
 var res = str.split("-",2);
 var res = str.split("T",1);
 var temp=res;

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