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Visual Studio Project Template For Javascript/vbscript?

Has anyone had luck finding a Visual Studio Project Template for JavaScript and/or VBScript? I would like to use VS as my script IDE but get frustrating with the lack of integrati

Solution 1:

  1. File->new->New Website (Shift-Alt-N).
  2. Select 'Empty Web site' (ignore other controls)
  3. right-click solution explorer, select 'add new item'
  4. select HTMLPage (name it index.html).
  5. right-click solution explore, select 'add new item;
  6. select jscript file.

If that's not what you're looking for, could you clarify?

Solution 2:

VisualStudio 2008 sp1 has much improved javascript support. It isn't perfect, but it does a pretty good job of formatting, syntax highlighting and intellisense. There are a few things that would be nice to have like automatic doc creation, but for the most part it works about as good as any other js "ide".

Some articles...

Solution 3:

In addition to jayrdub's response, VBScript intellisense and formatting was last officially supported in Visual Studio 2005. But it was then later added back in for Visual Studio 2008 SP1 at the demand of the user community.

So as long as you're not on VS 2008 RTM, you shouldn't have much of an issue.

Solution 4:

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