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How Can I Move .owl-pagination Outside The Primary Owl Wrapper? Owlcarousel2

It would be great if there was a simple way to move .owl-pagination to another div outside the primary owl wrapper. Wondering if there is a straightforward way to accomplish this?

Solution 1:

It works with standard options: navContainer and dotsContainer


<!-- html custom containers --><divid="customNav"class="owl-nav"></div><divid="customDots"class="owl-dots"></div>


    // move navContainer outside the primary owl wrappernavContainer: '#customNav',
    // move dotsContainer outside the primary owl wrapperdotsContainer: '#customDots',

   // other OwlCarousel2 options

For OwlCarousel2 issue 663,

Solution 2:

You can move the navigation after init, like in this example:

$(document).ready(function() {

    afterInit : function(elem){
      var that = this


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