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Load Standard Javascript Files With Requirejs

I'm trying out requireJS in order to improve the loading of Javascript on an ASP.NET MVC app, using Knockout. I have some files defining custom ko bindings like that: (function (ko

Solution 1:

Thanks to this answer, I managed to inject Knockout back in the global namespace, making it available to legacy Javascript files that needed it.

First, create a module that injects ko in the global namespace:

define('knockout.inject', ['knockout'], function (k) {
    window.ko = k;
    return k;

Then, map the module to knockout to execute it for every knockout dependency.

var require = {
    baseUrl: "/Scripts",
    paths: {
        //..."knockout": "knockout-3.3.0.debug",
        "knockoutbindings": "knockout.bindings",
    shim: {
        "knockoutbindings": {
            deps: ["knockout"]
    map: {
        // inject ko back in the global namespace'*': {
            'knockout': 'knockout.inject'
        // prevent cycles'knockout.inject': { 'knockout': 'knockout' }

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