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How To Pass Additional Variables In To Underscores Templates

I've a backbone view that renders a search result in a underscore template. As I want to highlight the search term in the result I have the following print method in the template:

Solution 1:

I'm not sure that I fully understand your question. But I do something along these lines to pass multiple objects into my template function.

 $(this.el).html(_.template(html)($.extend({}, this.model.toJSON(), App.lists.toJSON())))

The jquery extend function lets me merge two objects into one. So in your case you could merge your "searchTerm" in with your model during templating.

_.template(html)($.extend({}, row.doc, {"searchTerm": searchTerm}))

Your other option would be to pass your entire model into you template function and perform your underscore iteration in the template. Let me know if you need more explanation on that.


Here is a link to jquery extend

And underscore also has and extend method if you aren't using jquery


This is just to give you an example of my second suggestion. Would probably need some tweaking to throw into yours, but this is the idea.

template: _.template("

    <% _(rows).each(function(row) { %>
        <tr><td><% print(someKey.replace(searchTerm, '<b>' + searchTerm + '</b>')); %></td></tr>
<% } %>

render: function(){

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