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Sorting Date And Time With Am | Pm In Jquery

I have my javascript to sort date in ascending(that is, arrange from the newest). I am able to do for the dates, but i couldnt sort the time with AM or PM. I can do it in 24 hours

Solution 1:

you can use following code you need to fix date format first date1.replace("pm"," PM").replace("am"," AM") before parsing it into date to compare it

functionsortAscending(a, b) {
    var date1 = $(a).find("time").text();

    var date2 = $(b).find("time").text();

    date1 = Date.parse(date1.replace("pm"," PM").replace("am"," AM"));

    date2 = Date.parse(date2.replace("pm"," PM").replace("am"," AM"));

   returnnewDate(date1 > date2);


$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#wrapper .cards').sort(sortAscending).appendTo('#wrapper');

output it will be


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