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How Do I Make A New Call To An Api When A Previous One Finished Successfully?

I am new to angular and rxjs, and I have the following scenario, in which I need that after a call to an api is successfully resolved to make a new call, in the context of angular

Solution 1:

I understand you have a serviceOne and a serviceTwo. And you want to call serviceTwo using the retrieved data from serviceOne.

Using rxjs switchMap you can pipe one observable into another.

handler(): void {
                switchMap(serviceOneResult => {
                    // transform data as you wishreturnthis.serviceTwo.methodCall(serviceOneResult);
                next: serviceTwoResult => {
                    // here we have the data returned by serviceTwo
                error: err => {},

If you don't need to pass the data from serviceOne to serviceTwo but you need them to be both completed together, you could use rxjs forkJoin.

handler(): void {
            next: ([serviceOneResult, serviceTwoResult]) => {
                // here we have data returned by both services
            error: err => {},

Solution 2:

Using aysnc and await you can do:

asynchandler(): void {
      finalize(() => {
        this.someProperty = false;
      (data) =>console.log(data),
      (error) =>console.error(error.message)

   // Do second api call

Solution 3:

There are a few says to do this:

Scenario # 1

Your two service api calls are independent, you just want one to go and then the next

const serviceCall1 = this.serviceName.createDirectory(this.path);
 const serviceCall2 = this.serviceName.createDirectory(this.otherPath);

 concat(serviceCall1 , serviceCall2).subscribe({
   next: console.log,
   error: err =>console.error(err.message),
   complete: () =>console.log("service call 1&2 complete")

Scenario # 2

Your two calls dependant on one another, so you need the result of the first before you can start the second

   switchMap(root =>this.serviceName.createDirectoryInRoot(root, this.path))
   next: console.log,
   error: err =>console.error(err.message),
   complete: () =>console.log("service call 1 used to create service call 2, which is complete")

You'll want scenario # 2, because done this way, an error in the first call will mean no result is sent to the switchMap, and second call is never made.

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