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How To Get The Href Value Of An Anchor Tag With Javascript From A String

Solution 2:

Generate a temporary element(or use DOMParser) with the html content and get the attribute of a tag within it.

var contents = '<div id="content"><a href=""><img title="Ruffcoin-Made-In-Aba.jpg" class="alignnone size-full" alt="image" src="" /></a>↵↵↵↵Indigenous heavyweight, <a href="">Ruffcoin</a> recently dropped a new album titled “Made In Aba“. I’ve been giving it a few spins, and I must say, the album is quite solid.↵↵[matrix]↵↵Two of my early faves are “Aba Made” and “Higher Higher which feature <a href="">Sparkle</a>)”. You should check ’em out, then download on iTunes <a href=""><strong>hereq</strong></a>.↵↵Cop below.↵↵[audio mp3=""][/audio]<strong><a href="">DOWNLOAD Ruffcoin - Aba Made</a></strong>↵↵[audio mp3=""][/audio]<strong><a href="">DOWNLOAD Ruffcoin ft Sparkle - Higher Higher</a></strong></div>';

var temp = document.createElement('div');
temp.innerHTML = contents;

// if you want to get a tag within strong tagconsole.log(
  temp.querySelector('strong a').getAttribute('href')

// if you want to get the last linkvar ele = temp.getElementsByTagName('a');
  ele[ele.length - 1].getAttribute('href')

Solution 3:

var contents = '<div id="content"><a href=""><img title="Ruffcoin-Made-In-Aba.jpg" class="alignnone size-full" alt="image" src="" /></a>↵↵↵↵Indigenous heavyweight, <a href="">Ruffcoin</a> recently dropped a new album titled “Made In Aba“. I’ve been giving it a few spins, and I must say, the album is quite solid.↵↵[matrix]↵↵Two of my early faves are “Aba Made” and “Higher Higher which feature <a href="">Sparkle</a>)”. You should check ’em out, then download on iTunes <a href=""><strong>hereq</strong></a>.↵↵Cop below.↵↵[audio mp3=""][/audio]<strong><a href="">DOWNLOAD Ruffcoin - Aba Made</a></strong>↵↵[audio mp3=""][/audio]<strong><a href="">DOWNLOAD Ruffcoin ft Sparkle - Higher Higher</a></strong></div>';

// Create element that will temporarially house the elements in the stringvar temp = document.createElement('div');

// Convert the string to child elements
temp.innerHTML = contents;

// Get all the linksvar links = temp.querySelectorAll("a");

// Get the contents of the href attribute of the last link:console.log(links[links.length-1].href);

Solution 4:

Try This :

var links = snippet.getElementsByTagName("a");
  links(links.length - 1).getAttribute('href');

Solution 5:

Try this:

var contents = '<div id="content"><a href=""><img title="Ruffcoin-Made-In-Aba.jpg" class="alignnone size-full" alt="image" src="" /></a>↵↵↵↵Indigenous heavyweight, <a href="">Ruffcoin</a> recently dropped a new album titled “Made In Aba“. I’ve been giving it a few spins, and I must say, the album is quite solid.↵↵[matrix]↵↵Two of my early faves are “Aba Made” and “Higher Higher which feature <a href="">Sparkle</a>)”. You should check ’em out, then download on iTunes <a href=""><strong>hereq</strong></a>.↵↵Cop below.↵↵[audio mp3=""][/audio]<strong><a href="">DOWNLOAD Ruffcoin - Aba Made</a></strong>↵↵[audio mp3=""][/audio]<strong><a href="">DOWNLOAD Ruffcoin ft Sparkle - Higher Higher</a></strong></div>';

var hrefs = contents.match(/href="([^"]*)/g);
var href = hrefs[hrefs.length-1];

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