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Unload Event In Ie10, No Form Data

I have window.unload hooked to save my form data in emergencies when the user just closes their browser. I send this using ajax via POST. This works in IE9, Chrome etc, but not in

Solution 1:

I assume, you are using code like this:


with an inOnUnload()-function being defined like the following:

function inOnUnload() {"POST", "http://some-location", /*async*/true);

The problem with this in IE10 is that it seems to cancel the request, after the document has finally been unloaded. This happens before the form data had a chance to leaf the client. To send data in onunload events in IE10, you must use the async = false parameter in

The following works fine for me:

function inOnUnload() {"POST", "http://some-location", /*async*//*!!!*/false);

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