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Idleprovider.windowinterrupt Is Not A Function

I am trying to get the most basic possible implementation of ng-Idle working in node.js on my devbox. Towards this end, I have taken the minimal sample shown at this link, and hav

Solution 1:

Sorry about that. That repo is using the git-flow source control technique, so the develop branch is where unreleased work goes, and master represents the release branch. The index.html you were looking at includes an example of how to use a feature that was added that hasn't been officially released yet.

I'll move ahead with releasing the pending features, but in the meantime you can remove the IdleProvider.windowInterrupt line, as that's not available in version 1.1.1. The sample index.html from the release is found in master.

I ran your example with that line removed and it works as expected.

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