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How To Wait For A Function, Which Calls Itself Recursively With Settimeout, To Complete?

I am new to Javascript and currently working on a website, that changes how it looks by itself over time. One part of this page is a 'Typewriter', that writes out a text letter by

Solution 1:

You can wrap the setTimeout in a promise. This will allow you to use the async/await syntax to express the intention of your code more clearly, almost as if it was running synchronously.

asyncfunctionrunThis() {
  var line1 = document.getElementById("line1");
  awaittypeWriter(line1, "papupa"); = "blue";

asyncfunctiontypeWriter(element, txt) {
  for (var i = 0; i < txt.length; i++) {
    element.textContent += txt[i]; // this is shorthand for txt.charAt(i)awaitpause();

functionpause() {
  returnnewPromise(function(resolve, reject) {
    setTimeout(resolve, 150);

Solution 2:

You can pass the function to run at the end as another parameter.

functiontypeWriter(element, txt, callback) {
    if (txt.length > 1) {
        element.textContent += txt.charAt(0);
        var newText = txt.slice(1,txt.length);
        setTimeout(typeWriter, 150 , element, newText, cb);
    } else {
        element.textContent += txt.charAt(0);

typeWriter(el, "ABCDEF", runthis);

Solution 3:

You're creating more than one promises and only resolving the last one. You could define the recursive function as an inner function, here is an example:

functiontypeWriter(element, text) {
    returnnewPromise (function(resolve,reject) {
        functionrecursion(txt) {
            element.textContent += txt.charAt(0);
            if (txt.length > 1) {
                var newText = txt.slice(1, txt.length);
                setTimeout(recursion, 150, newText);
            } else {

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