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  • Tag Is Not Accept Data-id Attribute? O'clock Event Cannot Get Id
  • You will see in the below, my 'li' tags are not accept and display data-id attribute. Because of that, my click event does not get id and cannot pass the id to action. I added 1 an

    Solution 1:

    Try this, data-id set as an attribute, and .data('id') is used to get the data of element.

      $(document).on('click', 'ul.notifications li.notification-text', function (e) {
            var target =;
           var id = $(target).attr('data-id');

    Solution 2:

    I think the culprit must be found elsewhere. [li].data("id") works like expected. A minimal reproducable example:

      <li class='list-group-item notification-text' data-id="someId123">
        Some Text
    console.log($(`ul li`).data(`id`));
    //                     ^ works
    [data-id]:after {
      content: ' (my data-id is 'attr(data-id)')';
      font-weight: bold;

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  • Tag Is Not Accept Data-id Attribute? O'clock Event Cannot Get Id"