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Masking & For Ajax Requests

This is a follow-up to a question I asked a few weeks back. The following:

Solution 1:

Alternatively, you could assign the onclick in your JavaScript. This is better because it keeps your markup cleaner. Here's a jquery solution.

$('a').bind('click', function() {

Solution 2:

Try passing with the JS escape() function and by passing the ampersand as %26 The same way I am sure you see spaces passed as %20

Hope it works

Solution 3:

You should use the encodeURIComponent() function to send the URL string and then decode it in the reciever. If you're using PHP, you need to do something like this:


Solution 4:

I'm not an expert and i don't know if my answer is exactly related to your question.

I was having a similar problem, but in the oposite direction, i noticed that when i created an onclick event with parameters received via ajax in json format, parsed and placed in the document, when i viewed the source code i got something like

<ahref="#"onclick="qString('blah.php', 'ipp=2&amp;ord=0');">blah</a>

but that didn't stop the app from working, and i never had a problem before because i dont use & as part of a parameter value, and if the value is user input i use encodeURIComponent to encode the value.

So i went on and discarted any json parse issues or ut8 related issues, thats when i realized that when using javascript inside html having & amp; instead of & is actually correct.

So in my case what i thought for a moment was not ok, is ok for the W3C valitador.


<html><head><title>Test</title><scriptlanguage="javascript">functionfoo(url) {

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