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Cyrillic Characters In Messagebox Class Of Sencha Touch

I am working with different languages with the Sencha Touch framework, and translating MessageBox buttons to different languages, I have added it and it is working but with the rus

Solution 1:

Yes, I am working with UTF8 charset, but I have solved this issue receiving the labels from the backend here the code:

 var language = 'RU', //sent from the backend
            overWriting = Ext.MessageBox.YESNO;
        switch (language) {
            case "RU" :
                var b = Ext.MessageBox;

                Ext.apply(b, {
                    YES: {text: 'russian text YES', itemId: 'yes', ui: 'action'},
                    NO: {text:'russian text NO', itemId: 'no'}

                Ext.apply(b, {
                    YESNO: [b.NO, b.YES]
                overWriting = b.YESNO;

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