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What Is The Difference Between A Dollar Sign And A Dollar Sign Followed By A Period In Jquery?

In jQuery, what is the difference between $ and $.? Please provide a practical explanation if possible.

Solution 1:

$ is a reference (or synonym, if you want an analogy) to the global jQuery object. $.<method> calls a static method of the jQuery object, where $(<selector>) creates a new instance of the jQuery object.

Solution 2:

In the context of jQuery, $ refers to the global jQueryobject.

$. by itself is invalid JavaScript. As $ is an object, methods on this object are called like on any other object: $.methodname().

Maybe it becomes clearer by substituting $ with jQuery: jQuery.methodname().

Solution 3:

I presume you are asking about the syntactic difference between $('#selector'); and $.parseJSON(str);.

The former is an invocation of a function called $ and the latter invokes it's method called parseJSON. Yup, functions can have methods - it is possible because Javascript functions are also objects. Figuratively speaking:

<scripttype="text/javascript">function$(str) {

$.parseJSON = function () {
   alert('Parsing JSON');



Solution 4:


the $ function, which is a factory method for the jQuery object. These functions, often called commands, are chainable; they each return a jQuery object

$.-prefixed functions. These are utility functions which do not work on the jQuery object per se.

Typically, access to and manipulation of multiple DOM nodes begins with the $ function being called with a CSS selector string, which results in a jQuery object referencing matching elements in the HTML page. This node set can be manipulated by calling instance methods on the jQuery object, or on the nodes themselves. For example:


This line finds the union of all div tags with class attribute test and all p tags with CSS class attribute quote, adds the class attribute blue to each matched element, and then slides them down with an animation. The $ and add functions affect the matched set, while the addClass and slideDown affect the referenced nodes.

The methods prefixed with $. are convenience methods or affect global properties and behaviour. For example, the following is an example of the map function called each in jQuery:

$.each([1,2,3], function(){  
document.write(this + 1); });

This writes the number 234 to the document.

Solution 5:

$ - dollar sign is also same as Jquery usage. But I preferred to use dollar sign because I like the way dollar sign is.

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