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Share Screen In Firefox Using Rtcmulticonnection

I'm using RTCMultiConnection library in a project I'm working on and I'm facing a problem. When I tried to share my screen in Firefox (63.0.3 Version), it works for some applicatio

Solution 1:

There's a new standard API available for this: getDisplayMedia.

Unfortunately, it isn't implemented in all browsers yet, but it's available using adapter.js in Firefox, like this:

adapter.browserShim.shimGetDisplayMedia(window, "screen"); // or "window"

(async () => {
  try {
    video.srcObject = await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({video: true});
  } catch(e) {

It polyfills an older non-standard API in Firefox. Check out my blog for how to configure Chrome.

Unfortunately, Firefox makes the JS app pick between asking for "screen" and "window" atm, which is non-standard, so the adapter polyfill can only ask for one or the other.

Assuming you're on Windows, the black screen with "Aero" windows is a known bug.

Browsers are working to implement this API natively as we speak.

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