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How Do I $watch Multiple Interpolated Attributes In A Directive?

I don't understand how to watch multiple attributes at the same time in the link function, so I create an object with all the parameters and I watch for it. But I noticed that the

Solution 1:

I'm not sure I fully understand your question, so please correct me if I misunderstand. Are just want to pull values from multiple attributes on your directive? So say you have a HTML like this:

<my-directiveattr1="data1"attr2="data2"attr3="data3" />

And you want to get the values of those different attributes? In the link function, you just use the attrs parameter. For example:

link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
    var foo1 = attrs.attr1;
    var foo2 = attrs.attr2;
    var foo3 = attrs.attr3;

You can also use the scope property on the directive to automatically bind attributes to your scope. See their documentation on directives. So, something like this:

scope: {
    attr1: '@',
    attr2: '@',
    attr3: '@'

And then those properties end up in your scope automatically. However, as I found out, those values aren't always in the scope when you'd expect. So you can use the $watch function to do what you need with them. Something like:

link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
    scope.$watch("attr1", function () {
         if (scope.attr1)
              //stuff with attr1
    scope.$watch("attr2", function () {
         if (scope.attr2)
              //stuff with attr2

If you need to use them all together at the same time, you could use a function for the first parameter of the $watch that returns a string that would be different once they are all there and then put your logic in the function that is the 2nd parameter. So something like this:

link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
    scope.$watch(function () {
        if (scope.attr1 && scope.attr2 && scope.attr3)
    }, function (newVal) {
        if ("allSet" == newVal)
            //do stuff with all the properties

If you're wanting to bind objects into your scope, you can use '=' instead of '@'. Another option is '&' which evaluates a function in the parent scope. This is all explained in the directive documentation linked above.

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