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Call Wicket 6 Code From Javascript And Return Value

I have managed to call my Wicket 6 Java code from Javascript using option A in this example: However, I have not been able to find exam

Solution 1:

I think you can do it in a simpler way!

Wicket Ajax API is just: Wicket.Ajax.ajax({...}). All you need to prepare at the server side is to save the callback url, e.g. by saving it globally in the window object or in HTML element's attributes (data-the-url).

publicclassCallFromJavascriptBehaviorextendsAbstractDefaultAjaxBehavior {
   @Overrideprotectedvoidrespond(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
      finalStringValueparameterValue= RequestCycle.get().getRequest().getQueryParameters().getParameterValue("yourName");
      System.out.println(String.format("Hello %s", parameterValue.toString()));

      // write anything to the WebResponse and then consume it in the JS success handler. See below

   @OverridepublicvoidonComponenntTag(ComponenntTag tag, Component component) {
       super.onComponenntTag(tag, component);
       tag.put("data-the-url", getCallbackUrl());

Then in your JS code you can do:

var callbackUrl = jQuery("#theElementId").data("the-url");
Wicket.Ajax.get({"u": callbackUrl, "sh":[successHandler], "fh": [failureHandler] });

Where successHandler and failureHandler are JS functions defined inline (e.g. function(...) {}) or elsewhere.

More documentation you can find at:

A blog article with an complete example at

Solution 2:

You can just write a Resource and mount it, and get it with your favorite Ajax-approach.

For example:

publicclassMyResourceextendsAbstractResource@Overrideprotected ResourceResponse newResourceResponse( Attributes attributes )

        resourceResponse.setContentType( "text/json" );
        resourceResponse.setTextEncoding( "utf-8" );

        HttpServletRequestrequest= (HttpServletRequest) attributes.getRequest().getContainerRequest();

            this.json = IOUtils.toString( request.getInputStream() );
        catch ( IOException e )

        resourceResponse.setWriteCallback( newWriteCallback()
            @OverridepublicvoidwriteData( Attributes attributes )throws IOException
                OutputStreamoutputStream= attributes.getResponse().getOutputStream();
                Writerwriter=newOutputStreamWriter( outputStream );

                writer.write( MyResource.this.json );
        } );

        return resourceResponse;

(Copied from my other answer here

And see here for mounting it:

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