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Variable Substitution In Sendgrid Templates With Nodejs Does Not Work

Following the USE CASE on SendGrids github does manage to send me the e-mail with the correct template, but the substitutions does apparently not work, and is left blank in the res

Solution 1:

Since what I was using was dynamic templates from SendGrid, I cannot use the "substitutions" tag, but must instead use the "dynamic_template_data" tag, see this issue. When changing the msg-object to

const msg = {
    to: '...',
    from: '',
    subject: 'Hello world',
    text: 'Hello plain world!',
    html: '<p>Hello HTML world!</p>',
    templateId: '...',
    dynamic_template_data: {
        name: 'Some One',
        city: 'Denver',

it works. This is not documented in the SendGrid-documentation as far as I can see.

Solution 2:

Also you can do this:

import { getConfig } from'../config';    
const msg = {
                to: recipient,
                from: global.gConfig['SENDGRID_EMAIL_FROM'], // or getConfig().SENDGRID_EMAIL_FROM
                templateId: this.templateId,
                dynamicTemplateData: this.variables,


export function getConfig(): any {return process.env;

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