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How To Create Condition "if Element Not Exist - Do Smth" By Using Nightwatch?

I have a list of users, presented by table, and I need to search for td element with appropriate value - and if element not exist on current page - click on link to go on another p

Solution 1:

Maybe something like this, there might be an easier solution though:

functionfindStringInElementsData(elements, stringToFind, callback) 
    var counter = 0,
    numberOfElements = elements.value.length;

        browser.elementIdText(element.ELEMENT, function(result){

            // The string was found, return trueif(result.value === stringToFind) {
                return callback(true);

            // The string was not found return falseif(numberOfElements-1 === counter) {
                return callback(false);

.waitForElementVisible('td', 2000)
.elements('css selector', 'td', function(elements){

    findStringInElementsData(elements, "acceptance", function(foundString) {

        if(foundString) {
            // The string was found
        } else {
            // The string was not found, click on link to go on another page

The code above will get all td elements and then call the findStringInElementsData function which will loop through them to see it their text value is equal to a supplied string ("acceptance" in your case). If the string is found the function will return true, else it will return false.

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