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Improve JavaScript - JQuery Code For Active Menu And Show/hide Div

I am wondering how can this code be improved? I have 3 menu buttons in navigation. The first one is active by default. On click, other buttons are assigned with class active.

Solution 1:

This should shorten it up considerably:

$(".mobile-nav-tab").click(function() {
    var parts ="-");

    $("#" + parts[0]).slideDown();

Solution 2:

Simply loop over the various titles:

        var a=["search","menu","members"]
        for (i in a){
         if ($('#'+a[i]+'-tab').hasClass('active')){
            $('#'+ a[i]).hide();

Alternatively, do this:

        $('.mobile-nav-content div').hide() //Hide all content divs
        $('#''-')[0]).slideDown() //SlideDown the current div only

Solution 3:

I think you can clean it up to this:

        var $activeContent = $('#' + $(this).attr('id').replace('-tab',''));

Solution 4:

$('.mobile-nav-tab').on("click", function () {
    clickedId = $(this).attr("id");
    $('.mobile-nav-tab').each(function (index) {
        if ($(this).attr("id") == clickedId) {
        } else {

Solution 5:

A) You should start caching objects into variables, such as

var tabs = $('.mobile-nav-tab'),
    search = $('#search'),
    searchTab = $('#search-tab');

instead of jumping into the DOM again and again

B) There is a jQuery method siblings() that would work like a charm here. You might need to modify your HTML a little bit to get the best result, but it's much easier than selecting each tab separately. It can look something like this:


which slides down the desired tab and hides all other tabs on the same level in DOM.

I hope this helps you and puts you in some new direction.

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