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WebSocket Versions And Backwards Compatibility

I've been experimenting with WebSockets for the past couple of days and I'm having some mixed experiences with the new, very cool, technology. I've written a simple chat client tha

Solution 1:

Chrome 14 and Firefox 7 (Aurora build, prefixed with "Moz" but enabled by default) support the HyBi-10 version of the protocol. Everything else that has native WebSockets support is still using the Hixie-76 version of the protocol.

There are server implementations that already support the HyBi protocol and many more will soon now that Chrome 14 has it natively. There are some that have support for both Hixie-76 and the newer HyBi versions of the protocol (libwebsockets, websockify). I'm not particularly surprised that Microsoft's prototype server implementation only supports one version of the protocol (since they were not in the game during the Hixie period).


Some server options:

  • libwebsockets - C implementation
  • websockify - My python implementation. websockify is a websockets to TCP socket proxy/bridge, but is a generic websocket module.

Solution 2:

Here is a .NET based (free) WebSocketServer that supports Hybi10 and the older protocols. Can be found at

or run the add to your project (MVC3) by using Install-Package XSockets in the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio 2010 ( Also think the 2008 will do Nuget now)

I uses one of the videos as help

Solution 3:

Here is a WebSockets protocol test report listing conformance of Chrome 14 and Firefox 7/8 to specific features of the latest protocol spec.

The test suite is part of Autobahn WebSockets, a little project of mine that includes Python/Twisted-based WebSockets implementation, which can be used to write clients and servers.

Code is Apache 2.0 licensed and all on GitHub.

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