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Display Animation Every Time Clicks A Button Using JQuery

This issue has been solved by changing the blink function to include an ordering to all objects. Here is the latest jsfiddle in case you're interested.

Solution 1:

this might be easier


function blinkObject(p) {
    $('.page').eq(p).show().children('.blink').stop(false,true).each(function(i) {//for each blink
        $(this).stop(true,false).fadeTo(0,0).delay(i*1000).animate({opacity: '1'}, 1000);//fadein
    }).end().siblings('.page').hide();//hide siblings

$('.page').first().siblings('.page').hide();//hide all but first

    $(this).on('click', function() {
        blinkObject(i);//run blink

I added a class of page on the pages, and a class of but on the buttons.

made a fiddle:

Solution 2:

Here what I came up with but I have to go so I cant help any further.

    $(".page1").addClass("visible"); //
    $(".page2").removeClass("visible"); //
    blinkObject ();        

The key is the stop(). This will stop other animations from running and make it switch smoother.

Solution 3:

You forgot to remove invisible class from page1, this works.

             $(".page1").addClass("visible"); //
             $(".page2").removeClass("visible"); //
                 blinkObject ();


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