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React Native: Customizing TouchableOpacity Animation Speed

According to the TouchableOpacity docs, there is an activeOpacity prop to change the end opacity level and there is a setOpacityTo function to animate the component to any opacity

Solution 1:

That'd be the duration part of the method...

setOpacityTo(value: number, duration: number)

React-native is using setOpacityTo in the background to animate the opacity using the setNativeProps with TouchableOpacity.

setOpacityTo(value) {
  // Redacted: animation related code
    opacity: value

So, it looks like you can also just create your own Animated event if you wanted to. Here's how touchable opacity uses setOpacityTo, making sure to set the useNativeDriver to true.

  setOpacityTo: function(value: number, duration: number) {
        toValue: value,
        duration: duration,
        easing: Easing.inOut(Easing.quad),
        useNativeDriver: true,

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