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Load Local Array As Ajax File To Improve Performance

I am using DataTables to create a table, but it is loading awfully slow. I have approx. 9000 records that need to be processed from an SQL server (php is not an option). I am using

Solution 1:

This is not a complete answer, but a quick improvement is to populate your list as a single statement instead of 9000.

var InternationalSet = [
<c:forEach items="${InternationalList}" var="e" varStatus="status">
   [ '',
  ] <c:if test="${!status.last}">,</c:if>   

You can remove some of the new lines from the above to compactify it a little. Minor changes to the script also builds a single JSON object which you can return in an AJAX response to populate the table.

"data": [
<c:forEach items="${InternationalList}" var="e" varStatus="status">

If you are returning the data in sections from the server, your response would be changed to

"draw": ${param.draw},
"recordsTotal": ${yourTotal},
"recordsFiltered": ${yourFiltered},
"data": [
<c:forEach items="${InternationalList}" var="e" varStatus="status"
   begin="${param.start}" end="${param.start + param.length}" >

(You will have to add some range/value checking on the param values)

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