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Using Javascript/jQuery To Get Attribute Values From An HTML String

I have an HTML string that contains text and images, e.g.



I need to get the src attribute of the first image.

Solution 1:


$("<p><blargh src='whatever.jpg' /></p>").find("blargh:first").attr("src")

returns whatever.jpg so I think you could try

$(content.replace(/<img/gi, "<blargh")).find("blargh:first").attr("src")


/<img/gi instead of "<img"

Solution 2:

This should work:

    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        //Document Ready: Everything inside this function fires after the page is loaded
        $(document).ready(function () {
                    //Your html string
            var t = "<p><img src='test.jpg'/></p>"

Solution 3:

I normally use the below:

content = "img src='/somesource/image.jpg'>" //removed < before img for html rendering in this comment

Solution 4:

I solved this same issue trying to pull out the src url from an iframe. Here is a plain JavaScript function that will work for any string:

function getSourceUrl(iframe) {
  var startFromSrc = iframe.slice('src'));
  return startFromSrc.slice(5,' ') - 1);

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