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Grab The Youtube Video ID With Jquery & .match()

Just need a little push as I have this almost working. I want to feed jquery a URL and have it strip everthing but the video url. Here is my code: var url = '

Solution 1:

if you are not forced to use match, you can use "split":

var getList = function(url, gkey){

        var returned = null;

        if (url.indexOf("?") != -1){

          var list = url.split("?")[1].split("&"),
                  gets = [];

          for (var ind in list){
            var kv = list[ind].split("=");
            if (kv.length>0)
                gets[kv[0]] = kv[1];

        returned = gets;

        if (typeof gkey != "undefined")
            if (typeof gets[gkey] != "undefined")
                returned = gets[gkey];


        return returned;


var url = '';
$result = getList(url, "v");

Solution 2:

First, remove the $ in front of results... I assume that was a typo. Next, replace

$results = url.match("[\\?&]v=([^&#]*)");


results = url.match("[\?&]v=([^&#]*)")[1];

match() will return an array if there is a successful match. You're currently getting the entire array. What you want is the second element of the array (match()[1]) which is what is inside your capturing parentheses.

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